Jupiter SF #23 Out Now!

From the website: "Issue 23 of Jupiter: Kalyke is out now! This issue features 5 stories. The Weight of Shadows by Lee Moan, The Darken Loop by Huw Langridge (this is a follow on from Huws story The Ceres Configuration which was featured way back in issue 4), Thicker Than Water by Ian Sales, The Rule of Law by Elaine Graham-Leigh (a prequel to her story The Blue Man's Burden from issue 18), Notes from the Apocalypse by Michael Pepper and finally a short The Bridge of the Compass Rose by John Rogers."

The cover is by yours truly.

If you wish to purchase a copy of this issue, or any of the back issues of Jupiter SF, go here: http://www.jupitersf.co.uk/index.htm
Jupiter SF costs £2.75 for a single issue.


Gareth D Jones said…
Hi Lee, enjoyed 'The Weight of Shadows'. I liked the unexplained mysticism and understated SFness of it.
Lee Moan said…
Hi, thanks Gareth. Glad you liked the story. You're right about the understated SFness - I've been encouraging some female friends to read it who aren't SF readers, telling them "it's SF but it's not SF, really". :)

I've been following your blog for a while now, and I've tried leaving comments in the past but my old laptop seemed to have a problem with it. Got a new one now, so I shall be dropping in from time to time. Congrats on the recent successes!

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