The Art of Submission

Things are moving very slowly at the moment with regard to the current submissions.
'The Man Who Ate Planets' has been with Andromeda Spaceways since early April (shortlisted stories are kept for two or three months. Should hopefully hear something soon.
'The Midnight Men' is with Wendy Bradley, editor of new spec-fic magazine Farthing (first issue due out in August). Deadline for subs is 12 June.
'Juju', which received an honourable mention in the Aeon Award 2005, has been with The Third Alternative since 19th May. Response time with both TTA and Interzone seems to be around three months.
'Flotsam and Jetsam' has been entered in Flash Me Magazine's Lightning Fiction contest (stories under 250 words).
'Voices': Submitted this to D at Whispers of Wickedness.
'Medea's Children' was entered into the first quarter of Writers of the Future (deadline Mar 31st). Should received judging results any day now.
For aspiring writers, patience is a virtue. Response times are a form of hell.

Still, I've got 'Defence Mechanism' published at Astounding Tales at the moment, and 'The Boy Who Fell' at AlienSkin. Proud of them both.


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