Medea's Children

My science fiction story 'Medea's Children' has just been released as a free PDF ebook over at the Screaming Dreams website. The fantastic cover art is by British Fantasy Award-nominee Steve Upham.

It's about a young mother searching for her baby son on an alien planet and the lengths she goes to in order to find him.

I hope you enjoy reading it!
You can also download the latest issue of Estronomicon at the website, featuring fantastic fiction from Paul Kane, Bob Lock, Paul Edwards and many more.


Ian Redman said…
That's quite a cool cover, glad to see this story getting out to a larger readership!
Gareth D Jones said…
The cover is great. Is this the samversion as appeared in Jupiter, or an expanded version?
Lee Moan said…
Hi Gareth, yes it's essentially the same version that appeared in Jupiter with just a few minor tweaks here and there. I'm very pleased to have had it published both in a well-respected print mag and as a standalone ebook. Thanks Ian! And as you can tell, I'm thrilled with Steve's cover design.

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