The Hotel Galileo is available to buy NOW

I'm very excited to be able to say that my novella, The Hotel Galileo, is now available for purchase.

If you are ordering in the UK:

You can order it direct from the printers CreateSpace via this link:

VERY IMPORTANT: When ordering from outside the US please use this discount code:


which gives a 25% discount to help offset the cost of international shipping. Thanks!

If you are ordering from the US:

The page is up on Amazon here: You can, of course, also buy it from CreateSpace (see link above).

The paperback retails at $9.95.

Kindle version will be available on Amazon soon.

I hope that all makes sense. If there are any problems please don't hesitate to contact me and I will do my very best to address them.

Thanks for your time, and if you intend to buy a copy - THANK YOU! I hope you enjoy it.


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