Resolutions Update
Well, it's been a year since I made my last set of New Year writer resolutions. So, how did I do? 1) I will start/finish the damn book Did that. I completed my short novel 'The Hotel Galileo' back in August and sent it to small US small press Wolfsinger in early September. No response yet... 2) I will always have at least three stories on submission, while working on a fourth This has been a year for taking a breather, taking stock of the past four years and then going back into it with renewed energy. I see the last two stories which are still on submission as the end of a "first phase", and the new stories I'm working on are part of a new phase. Suffice to say I'm quietly excited about the new stuff. 3) I will attend at least one writer's conference, and introduce myself to agents, editors, and other writers FantasyCon 2008 back in Septemeber. This is the achievement of 2008 I am most proud of. It took a lot for me to go out into the world and meet o...