New Look

After seeing the blog of fellow writer Lawrence Dagstine, I decided to give my blog an overhaul and try and make it look a little more like a website. I really must get round to doing a website one of these years, but this old thing will have to do for now.

I'm very pleased that The Hotel Galileo is finally finished--well, almost. I'm sending it out to friends and relatives for a read and, hopefully some feedback, before I try sending it to publishers. But after all the hard work editing it, it's a really nice feeling having something solid and substantial ready to send out.

I've got about eight short stories being considered at the moment at various venues, and I'm hoping for some good news soon. This has been the longest period in recent times where I've not had an imminent publication. The only thing lined up for 2008 is the appearance of 'Wizard's Gambit' in the Arcane Whispers anthology due in May.


Unknown said…
Websites are overrated anyway. The temptation's always there to allow the content to stagnate. At least a blog keeps you on your toes (and visitors coming back).
Lee Moan said…
Hi troo, yeah that's a good point. And one of my new year's resolutions was to update my blog more often.

Thanks for stopping by!

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