Arcane Whispers Anthology

Wizard's Gambit

Great news yesterday that I wasn't expecting. My story 'Wizard's Gambit' was published in Sorcerous Signals ezine last May and it was voted the favourite story of that issue. Praise enough. Now editor Carol Hightshoe is producing a Best-of Anthology: Arcane Whispers: The Best of Sorcerous Signals, and 'Wizard's Gambit' has been selected to appear in it. The antho is due for publication in May this year. Fantastic!

The story is still available to read online: check it out here: Sorcerous Signals

The Hotel Galileo - Update

This 35k novella (short novel?) is virtually completed. The extensive re-jig has taken a good few weeks (and much eyestrain) to get it into shape ready for submitting to prospective publishers. And although I don't expect publishers to be falling over each other to get their hands on it (novellas are notoriously hard to sell anyway) I do think it's a great little story and I had an absolute ball writing it. I've completed three novels since 2004. The first one I dislike intensely, and it sits on a disk somewhere never to be seen by human eye. The second is a "troubled child", for want of a better term, but may still be a viable piece. But I am very fond of my third book, The Hotel Galileo. It's a murder mystery set in an alternative Roaring Twenties where mankind has reached out into the stars. The book is intended as the first in a series, featuring a 'gentleman detective' named Barclay Heath. I will post further updates once I start sending it out. Very excited. Very tired, too. But it's worth it.


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