Midnight Men in Niteblade

Just had my story The Midnight Men published in the first issue of Niteblade Magazine. The accompanying artwork and the general layout of this brand new ezine is very impressive. I even have my own "author page", with some info about me and a link to this blog. Editor Rhonda Parrish has done a cracking job, and on the strength of this premiere issue the future of Niteblade looks very bright indeed.
Here's a little teaser:

The Robinsons were the first to go.

It was the all-pervading purr of a powerful motor engine which dragged me from a deep and blissful sleep. The LED display on my alarm clock said: 12:03. It wasn’t unusual to hear cars on our street at that time of night--people being dropped home after a night out; nightshift workers heading off--but something about the drone of that car whispered to my subconscious. Something was not quite right...

Other News
Deeply frustrated at the moment. I have three writing projects on the go at the moment, two of them so close to submission stage that it's painful, but I have zero time to commit to them. The Hotel Galileo, the novella I completed during last November's NanNoWriMo contest, is undergoing a bit of tweaking. It was actually in a form that was passable as a complete work, but I had to go back and tinker with it because it didn 't fit in with the steampunk detective novel I'm currently working on. And then there's Lazarus Island, still needing that one final edit and minor rewrite. I would feel so much better if I could get Galileo and Lazarus out there, but family, work and study commitments continue to demand all of my time. Well, it's just a case of one little step at a time. If I manage to write 500 words of an evening, that's an achievement. If I write 50, well that's a step in the right direction, too. All these words add up in the end, so they say.


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