Online Reviews for 'Juju'

My story 'Juju', which appeared in the second print issue of Hub Magazine, has received two reviews. The first was by Paul Raven at Velcro City Tourist Board, a great blog for fiction reviews and other fiction-related topics. The second review can now be found at Tangent Online, this time by Danny Adams. Both are fairly positive reviews, I think.
On the subject of Hub Magazine: it has ceased print publication and switched to an entirely different format: a free weekly ezine. It’s a format that seems to be working and I can fully understand the change of tactic. In this day and age it seems almost impossible for a mainstream print magazine devoted entirely to short fiction to survive in the marketplace without selling the kind of numbers that long-runners like Fantasy and Science Fiction and Asimov’s do. I wish Lee Harris and everyone at Hub every success for the future. They gave me my first big sale and for that I will always love them.
The current weekly story is the excellent ‘Wings of Night’ by Allyson Bird. Check it out.
The Hub website can be found here.


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