Stop the world I want to get off!

Blimey! Where did that month go? I've been so busy lately that I haven't even had a chance to blog! So, what has happened in the last month? Well, I started my latest Open University course, Advanced Creative Writing. Submitted my first TMA last Thursday. Despite it being an added pressure to everyday life, I am enjoying the course a lot so far.

I've got a stack of stories that have either been published or are about to be published. Since my last blog entry, a new issue of Estronomicon has appeared: The Hallowe'en Special, and it contains another one of my stories, 'The Witch is Dead'. It originally appeared at Whispers of Wickedness, but I thought it was perfect for Halowe'en. You can find the issue over at Screaming Dreams:
Hallowe’en Special
Coming up: 'Inheritance' is scheduled to appear in a future issue of Arkham Tales; 'The Man Who Ate Planets' to be reprinted in the Permuted Press anthology Best New Apocalyptic Fiction; two stories ('Guardian' and 'The View from the Bridge') to be reprinted in the Year 4 Anthology of From the Asylum; and 'The Weight of Shadows' is due to appear in issue 23 of Jupiter SF. I've also submitted a piece of artwork to editor Ian Redman to accompany the story. Also coming up, my story 'The Devil's Bones' has been accepted for the final print issue of acclaimed small press magazine Whispers of Wickedness. I am very excited about this, as it was one of my ambitions to appear in their zine since I started all this business. I've been honoured to have my story edited by Peter Tennant who recently won the British Fantasy Award for his work as head of Whispers Review Team. I can't wait to see the story in print. Chuffed is what I am!
I've been writing lots, too. Well, not as much as I would like, but more than in recent times. Working on several interesting short stories and really enjoying the process again. Maybe I needed to get the first draft of that novel out of the way in order to come back to the short form refreshed. Speaking of which, I would really love to start work on the second draft of 'The Silver Sea', but there's only so much a guy can fit into twenty-four hours. Still, I feel hopeful at the moment; tired, but hopeful.


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