NaNoWriMo No-No

It was always going to be a long shot . . . Sadly, I failed the task which I set myself back on November 1st - to write a 50,000 word novel in thirty days. Yep, I'm a NaNoWriMo Loser. But I'm not disappointed. Oh no. Because, out of the flames of disaster, a phoenix has risen.
About halfway through the month, I had a flash of inspiration and saw the story I was writing from a different (and far more interesting)character perspective, which meant rewriting virtually everything I'd written (all 20,000 words almost!) This is why I failed NaNoWriMo, but I have now, the first third of a much better novel. I will finish it, but at a more sensible pace. And even if I don't, there's always next year...


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